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Maternity Safety Champions work at every level – Trust, regional and national – as ambassadors for safety.
They develop strong partnerships, promote the professional cultures needed to deliver better care, and play a central role in ensuring that mothers and babies continue to receive the safest care possible by adopting best practice. They provide visible organisational leadership and work with the wider maternity team to deliver safe, personalised maternity care, sharing learning and best practice from national and international research, local investigations and improvement initiatives.
Here at Kingston, our maternity safety champions are:
- Nic Kane, Chief Nurse
- Naz Jivani, Non-Executive Director
- Marion Louki, Director of Midwifery
- Gabrielle Bambridge, Clinical Lead for Obstetrics
- Marie Richter, Neonatal Unit Matron
- Jon Filkin, Consultant Paediatrician
- Rosie Waskett, Associate Non-Executive Director