An induced labour is one that is started artificially. People often call it ‘being induced’. 
Go to our booklet Induction of labour, your options, to find out:

  1. why induction is offered
  2. the different stages of induction
  3. how to decide what is best for you and your baby.

There are several reasons why we may offer you an induction, including: 

  1. you have high blood pressure 
  2. you have diabetes 
  3. you have concerns about your baby’s movements at the end of pregnancy 
  4. your labour has not started by 41 weeks. If this applies to you, you may like to read our Induction of labour at 41 weeks and beyond: making a decision patient leaflet 
  5. you are aged 40 or more. If this applies to you, you may like to read our Pregnancy and birth in women aged 40 or older patient leaflet
  6. your baby is smaller than expected. If this applies to you, you may like to read Having a small baby

The aim of induction is to reduce the chance of problems for you and your baby. Your doctor or midwife will explain the reasons for recommending an induction, including risks, benefits and alternatives. 

If you want to hear about what it is like to have an induction, watch Natalie's Story, which is one woman's positive experience of an induction at Kingston Hospital:

Natalie's story