Whether you are pregnant and looking to find out more about feeding your baby, or if you are going home with your newborn and would like a little more support with feeding, you are on the right page.
Here are some useful tips and links…
- Breastfeeding
- Bottle feeding
- Hand expressing in pregnancy (colostrum harvesting) – download and print at home
- Hand expressing in pregnancy – Unicef video
- Storing breast milk at home
Kingston Hospital’s Maternity Unit and Neonatal Unit have been accredited by UNICEF UK as ‘Baby Friendly’. Nic Kane (Chief Nurse) is the Baby Friendly Guardian (as part of the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative) at Kingston Hospital.
Infant feeding classes
We run weekly online infant feeding classes, which we recommend attending from 34 weeks into your pregnancy.
- 10am-11.30am (drop in), Alf King Children’s Centre, TW13 5AF, 020 8583 3922
- 10am-12pm (appointment only), South Isleworth Children’s Centre, TW7 7AP, 020 8583 5885 – parking available
- 1pm-2.30pm (appointment only), Clarendon Children’s Centre, TW15 2HZ, 01784 424 759
- 1pm-3pm (drop in, for families with a baby born at Kingston Hospital - under 6 weeks), Cornerstone Church, KT2 6LF, 07385 949 049
- 2pm-4pm (drop in), Your Healthcare Infant Feeding Support group, United Reformed Church, TW2 5QA, visit the Twickenham, Hounslow and district NCT web page
- 1pm-3pm (drop in, Kingston Borough only), Chessington Children’s Centre, KT9 1JE 020 8274 7709 – Street parking available
- 10am-12pm (drop in), Lampton Children’s Centre, Neville Close, Off Lampton Road, Hounslow, TW3 4JG, 020 8583 5720
- 10.15am-11.45am (drop in), Chiswick Children's Centre, 9 Devonshire Street, W4 2JR, 020 8583 5603
- 1pm-2.30pm (drop in - Kingston borough parents only), Kingston Town Children’s Centre
- 2pm-4pm breastfeeding coffee group, The Dolphin, SM1 1PR, 020 8641 1689
- 9.30am-11am - last Wednesday of the month via Zoom (online), Café La Leche, Wimbledon, SW19 4JZ, Email to book: laleche.
Bernie ; - 10am-12pm (drop in), Hersham Baptist church, Arch Road, KT12 4QR, free Street parking. Advice line 018 8334 0922
- 9.30am-11am – Infant feeding peer support group (Kingston Borough parents only) United Reform Church Malden Road, New Malden, KT3 6DR
- 9.30am-3.30pm –appointment only, Clinic Stormont HC, SW11 5EG, 07766 800 365 – Street parking – pay at meter
- 10am-11.30am (drop in), South Isleworth Children’s Centre, Worple Road, Isleworth TW7 7AP, 020 8583 5885 – parking available
- 10am-1pm, Baby Cafe, St Michael’s Church, Southfields, SW18 5TT, nctbfdropin - 9.30am-11am, United Reform Church Malden Road, New Malden KT3 6DR (Kingston Borough parents only)
- 12.45pm-2.30pm –appointment only, The Hub, Beavers Children’s Centre, TW4 7NW, 020 8583 5602
- 9.30am-11.15am - Infant feeding group drop in, White House, 45 The Avenue Hampton TW12 3RN
- 9.30am-12pm (drop in, Kingston Borough only) Tolworth Children’s Centre, KT6 7SA, 020 8274 7709 – Free street parking
- 12.30pm-2.30pm, Brentford Children Centre, North Road, Brentford, TW8 0BJ
- 10am-12pm, Day Assessment Unit, Queen Mary Maternity Unit, West Middlesex University Hospital Twickenham Rd, Isleworth,TW7 6AF
Anatomy or the breast
Antenatal hand expressing
Responsive feeding
Skin to skin
Positioning and attachment
Safe sleeping
Bottle feeding