"I know that this was a normal day at work for you all, but to me I will always remember how you brought me through the most important moment of my life so far with the most amazing support I could imagine!"

Kingston has a popular maternity service with about 4,600 babies born here every year.

We encourage women to self refer (using our online service) as soon as they are pregnant. 

We will then make contact to arrange a “booking assessment” appointment. This appointment is to help us plan with each woman her individual journey throughout pregnancy and beyond.

During the pregnancy, a Kingston midwife will provide care and co-ordinate other services that may be required. Antenatal appointments commonly take place at a local children’s centre, health centre, or at Kingston hospital. More information can be found in the Pregnancy section.

When planning where to give birth, Kingston offers homebirth (provided by a small team of midwives), a midwife led unit (also known as the Birth Centre) and a labour ward (also known as the Delivery Suite). The Birth Centre, Delivery Suite and our Theatres are all located on the same floor in the Maternity Unit.  You can read more about your birth options here.

Read our latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) report.

Kingston Hospital’s Maternity Unit and Neonatal Unit have been accredited by UNICEF UK as ‘Baby Friendly’. Chief Nurse Nic Kane is the Baby Friendly Guardian (as part of the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative) at Kingston Hospital.

Some recent quotes

“Efficient friendly midwife team and doctors make you feel at ease.”

“Really clear communication and supportive appointments.”

“Thank you to the Birth Centre for what was the best birth experience I could have had.”

“During my time on labour ward everyone was friendly, supportive and careful to explain who they were to me and my husband when they came in the room. I felt listened to by my midwives and everyone was so caring and compassionate.”

“Home birth team midwives were wonderful, they supported us to have a positive birth experience at home. They were all friendly and reassuring especially as I was a first-time mum.”